Agro Waste Products
Agricultural residues are rich in bioactive compounds. These residues can be used as an alternate source for the production of different products like biogas, biofuel, mushroom, and tempeh as the raw material in various researches and industries. The use of agro-industrial wastes as raw materials can help to reduce the production cost and also reduce the pollution load from the environment. Agro-industrial wastes are used for manufacturing of biofuels, enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants, animal feed, antibiotics, and other chemicals through solid state fermentation (SSF). A variety of microorganisms are used for the production of these valuable products through SSF processes. Therefore, SSF and their effect on the formation of value-added products are reviewed and discussed.

Uses for
Agricultural Waste
- Bagasse can be used to create plastics such as bowls, plates and other plastic containers.
- Unlike plastic made from crude oil, plastics made from bagasse are natural fiber products.
- We are counted amongst the well reputed Suppliers of Sugar Cane Bagasse.
- Sugar Cane Bagasse is the fibrous matter that remains after the processing of sugar .
- Our Sugar Cane Bagasse is highly appreciated by our clients and there has been a constant increase in the demand for our Sugar Cane Bagasse.
- The Sugar Cane Bagasse can be availed at market leading prices from us.
- Regarding global coal reserves, Indonesia currently ranks 9th, containing roughly 2.2 percent of total proven global coal reserves according to the most recent BP Statistical Review of World Energy.
- Around 60 percent of Indonesia’s total coal reserves consists of the cheaper lower quality (sub-bituminous) coal that contains less than 6100 cal/gram.