Maruti Raj

Maruti Raj an incorporate company of Surana Group rendering its business since 27 years in trading of Agro waste Sugarcane Bagasse and other allied products . Our sister concern are MARUTIS and MARUTI TRADE and other concerns .


Home Briquette


A briquette is a compacted form of coal dust or any other flammable biomass substance, such as charcoal, sawdust, wood chips, peat, or paper, commonly employed for igniting fires and providing kindling. The origin of this term can be traced back to the French word “brique,” which translates to “brick.” Apart from the economic advantages of reducing waste volume, paper briquettes prove more beneficial in paper mills for the production of recycled paper compared to loose shredded materials. Additionally, compressed briquettes serve as a valuable source of fuel for initiating fires and can be employed as an insulating material.

Coal Briquettes

Coal briquettes have long been produced as a means of using up ‘small coal’, the finely broken coal inevitably produced during the mining process. Otherwise this is difficult to burn as it is hard to arrange adequate airflow through a fire of these small pieces; also such fuel tends to be drawn up and out of the chimney by the draught, giving visible black smoke.

Phurnacite used the following mix:

  • Bituminous coal, 25%
  • Steam coal, 45%
  • Dry steam coal, 22%
  • Pitch, 8%

Early briquettes were large and brick-shaped.Phurnacite briquettes later adopted a squared oval shape. This regular shape packed well as a good firebed, with plentiful airflow. They are also easy to mechanically feed, allowing the development of automatically controlled heating boilers that could run for days without human intervention

Charcoal Briquettes

Charcoal briquettes sold for cooking food can include:

  • Wood charcoal (fuel)
  • Lignite coal (fuel)
  • Anthracite coal (fuel)
  • Limestone (ash colourant)
  • Starch (binder)
  • Borax (release agent)
  • Sodium nitrate (accelerant)
  • Sawdust
  • Wax (some brands: binder, accelerant, ignition facilitator).
  • Chaff (rice chaff and peanut chaff)

Biomass Briquettes​

Biomass briquettes, crafted from agricultural residue, serve as an eco-friendly substitute for fossil fuels like oil and coal. They find utility in heating boilers within industrial facilities and offer significant benefits, especially in emerging nations.

These briquettes represent a sustainable energy source, distinct from traditional coal briquettes, as their emissions don’t contribute to human-made greenhouse gases. This is because the carbon released into the atmosphere during their combustion was recently sourced from the environment, in contrast to coal, which contains ancient carbon sequestered deep within the earth during the Carboniferous period.